Home Office statistics data release

On 23 August 2018 the Home Office released statistics for in-country visa applications, which were recorded on the Casework Immigration Database. In this article we would like to highlight some of the published data.

A total of 1,173 Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) applications were received in the Q2 2018, which is 29.34% lower than in Q3 2017. There were no statistics released on the number of entrepreneur applications which fell for refusal in Q2 2018, however, according to the data released by the Home Office for Q1 2018, out of 1,140 Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) applications, 16 were refused. For the same quarter, 99.6% of straightforward applications were decided by the Home Office within service standard processing time which is 8 weeks.

Interesting data was released on the sponsorship applications. In Q1 2018 the Home Office received in total 1,522 applications, which were decided within 8 weeks service standard processing time. None of the received in Q1 2018 sponsorship applications were refused.

In-country work in progress figures show that as at 2nd July 2018 the Home Office were dealing with 37,799 complex applications, 24,681 settlement cases, 28,937 European cases and with 26,589 British Citizenship applications. Despite the high number of applications, at Chan Neill, 100% European and British Citizenship applications have been surprisingly decided within 2 months from the submission date.

Further details on in-country statistics can be found on Gov.UK website.

Should you require any assistance or legal advice in relation to your UK Immigration matters, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note that the information on this page is for general purposes only and is not intended to replace legal advice.