Contractual Breaches

Case Study 1

With our strong links in China and Hong Kong and our ability to communicate in both Mandarin and Cantonese, our lawyers acted for a Hong Kong client for breach of contract which resulted in stress and anxiety against a private college in the UK. We were able to successfully negotiate a favourable settlement for our client.

Case Study 2

The case involved a client who traded in mobile telecommunications equipment and his bank accounts and assets became subject to a High Court world wide freezing order owing to allegations of theft and carousel fraud over a multi million pound loss of a shipment of mobile hardware. The difficulty was in unravelling an international conspiracy with an underworld element and also battling a telecommunications giant with unlimited funds, aggressive lawyers and a client who was evasive due to fear for his and his families well being. Our lawyers firstly managed to advise and assure of reliefs to allow him to trade and carry on with his daily life and gain access to his funds and plotted then a course for the client that helped steer the action to a position which eventually compromised leaving the client happily with his business intact and no fear of retribution.

Inheritance Dispute

Case Study 3

The case involved a British client who had become subject to a world wide freezing order over property assets and funds transferred into bank accounts from a lover. The lover died and his family pursued these assets and funds alleging undue influence of the client over an elderly partner who the family alleged had been viciously taken advantage of. The amounts that had been given went into multi millions and the action had been handled by a number of the top 20 acknowledged UK law firms After three years of the action proceeding, the client sort our help and assistance and having reviewed the issues and noted the parties were still only dealing with disclosure, we held discussions with the claimants lawyers and advised that a counterclaim for substantial losses would now be brought if the claim was not dropped and we were pleased the claimants then sort to compromise and was successfully steered to a near complete recovery of all assets and wealth within 6 months of our involvement.

Pension Review Claimant

Case Study 4

Acting for an independent financial adviser in connection with a dispute concerning the interpretation of management buy out documentation, including dealing with Pension Review claimants and the Financial Services Authority.  Involving applications to the Court of Appeal and an eight day trial in the Chancery Division of the High Court in London.  The claim was successful and the Pension Review claimants’ pension pots were made up by opponents.

Case Study 5

Pursuing a claim for an offshore trust/joint venture against employees of a facility in Central Asia who had embezzled the facility’s funds. Tracing the facility’s assets; obtaining a Worldwide Freezing Order in the Chancery Division of the High Court in London; obtaining mirror orders and blocking funds in USA, Germany and elsewhere; negotiating an acceptable settlement.

Case Study 6

Defending a Canadian client in a claim by London based stock brokers in the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court in London arising out of unauthorised trading in illiquid stocks on a US exchange; including advising on relevant London Stock Exchange rules and Financial Services Authority regulations.

Information Technology

Case Study 7

Acting for providers of information technology in a cross border dispute in the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court in London arising from failures in the setting up of an online share trading scheme, liaising with lawyers in Hong Kong.

Case Study 8

Acting for merchants/commodity owners where cargoes not discharged at named ports. Tracing vessels, organising discharge of cargoes, arresting vessels for security, recovering expenses, involving proceedings in several European jurisdictions including Netherlands, Cyprus, Portugal.

Commercial Arbitration

Case Study 9

Handling London Arbitrations for international groups involving sale/carriage of commodities from Europe to the Middle East, issues with payment for goods, freight and demurrage and the exercise of liens.

Freezing Injunctions of third Party

Case Study 10

Chan Neill acted for a client company who had invested over 1 million USD for a UK property but never received confirmation of the transfer.  We were instructed to review the documentation that were provided to us by the client.  During our investigation it came to light that the third party had impersonated an estate agent and also a solicitor. We advised our client to urgently apply for a freezing injunction to freeze the third party’s account to prevent them from disposing their assets.

As part of the freezing injunction application, we had to show that our client had a good arguable case, that the third party had assets to be seized, there was a risk that the third party would remove / sell or hide those assets and in addition, our client had to provide an undertaking by showing evidence that they have the means to pay any damages owing to the third party should in the event that freezing injunction. We were successful in our application and achieved a world wide freezing injunction on behalf of the client.

Freezing Injunctions

Case Study 11

The firm has acted for a number of international clients who have been subject to world wide freezing injunctions brought upon them as a result of gambling issues. The firm has made strident investigations of casino groups relating to potential breaches of the Gambling Act 2005 and breaches of the Licence conditions and codes of practice set by the Gambling commission. These codes govern the way licensed casinos should operate.  LCCP Rule 3.4.1, social responsibility and any serious breaches thereof have been key battlegrounds in many actions we have been instructed upon. Clients have discovered gambling incentives and a failure to administer stricter periods of gambling and also gaming limits per visit have lead to a number of successful resolutions.